Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Harrison Bergeron

Are we equal? Can equality ever be achieved? Do we really want true equality? How are each of us "differently abled"?


Anonymous said...

yes we are all equal.equality is already acheived.yes i do want true equality.we are differently abled because we have different personalities, settings, background,health conditions and goals

Anonymous said...

NO, we aren't equal and most likely wll never be equal. Obviously there are those who want it including myself ,but I feel that I shouldn't put my hopes up for something that is never gonna happen. As for how each of us being "differently abled", I assume it's pretty self-explanatory if you just stop and take a look around...

Anonymous said...

yes we are all equal because we have the abilty to make our own choces.our choces are what make us different

Anonymous said...

Eventhough on a important document it states that all people are equal. However that isn't the case, people will always feel more superior then others. there is no way everyone will feel equal. I don't know if equality would change anything so there is no point to me to try to fight for equality. We all bring something to our economy, upper classs, Middle class, and lower class. I think like this, everything is based on money and if your money doesn't look right then your not equal, to the upper class. and if you poor then your not equal to anyone you're all alone.That's what I see in todays conomy, so how is there a chance to reach equality if we treat each other like nothing

Anonymous said...

the only way you can say that everyone is equal is by saying that we all were born the same way.Other then that,We are not equal.Everyone haves different agendas, different look at life, different morales of life and a different style of living.

Anonymous said...

i think that ther can be no equality just a balance that is wat makes use close to being equail but just never getting ther like a stat of narvana

Anonymous said...

No, we not equal. No, i dont think we can be. yea we want eqality but who says we gonna get it. We all are differnt in manyways such as our attitude and out nationality.

Anonymous said...

I believe 100% that everyone is equal. I don;t think that equality will ever be achieved cause there are alot of people who have dislike other races. I think wee do need equalty because it can make the wold a better place and people wouldn.t be scared as much. We have different talents we all do things differently, we are specail in our own way that makes us who we are.

Anonymous said...

No where not equal.maybe equality can change someday.We are different abled because of our culture, religion,and day to day activities.

Anonymous said...

Yes we are equal btu we might have differences.Equality can be achieved. Off course people want true equality. We can be differently able by our backgrounds,personality and be couse people do different things.

Anonymous said...

No,I don’t think we are all equal. In my opinion equality should be achieved but that won’t happen unless the high power sees it from the people’s perspective. Of course we want equality. We each are different in ways like the food we eat, the music we listen to, the way we dress, our religion and lifestyles.

Anonymous said...

In my experience i see that in the world today, people may say that everyone in today's society is equal.I think that equality will someday be used correctly. Now in days are still disgiminized against work titels and who they are and where they come from.

Anonymous said...

We are not equal. Equality can be achieved. Every body wishes to achieve equality, but not every one achieves it. We are differently abled because every one is different.

Anonymous said...

It depends who it is we are speaking of... to me everyone is equal but to others we are not... equality is best when balanced and sometimes can favor us or be against us... equality will never be achieved because in order to be equal you would have to brainwash many people to not be racist or not do as they please and that right there is a way of limitating equality or let say freedom... so in my mind I believe we should just all get along and treat each other equally but I cant convince the whole world to have the same mentality as mine... We are all "differently abled" because we all have different ways of doing things... each mind is its own temple and everybody has there own way of interpretating things... and those are my answers to your questions.

Anonymous said...

The way we are all equal is that we all have the same 5 sences .1 may be stronger then the others. no we dont want the same equality ....because if we did we wouldnt be difrent and most of the time different is good ....it sets our own individuality as a peaple. i dont know how 2 answer that last question

Anonymous said...

yea we all are equal as people but..........we all feel we are or our family is better than others ya diggggggggggg!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think all people are equäl in someway But equälity can never be achieved becasue of the fact that people are scared of other people because of there race. No We don't want equality because everyone will be the same and the one thing that makes us human is we are different.

Anonymous said...

yes i think that every one is equal, to other people we aren't equal.i think that equality is already achieved. i think that we really want true equality because if we would have equality their wouldnt be a problem in society. we are able to make our own choces,and the choces that we make are what makes us different.

Anonymous said...

No, no one is equal to someone else in this world. Every single person in this world is treated different. No matter our social class and or our family income we are still diiferent. equality means The state or quality of being equal. meaning excactly the same. We are "differently abled" because no body is perfect. We all have defects and stuff like that. we do things different, think different and act all different

Anonymous said...

no, nobody is equal. I personally think that equality will never be achieved. There are people including myself that would like equality, but that is something that we know will never happen. In this world nobody is equal, God made everyone with it's own personality and it's own way of thinking.

Anonymous said...

i dont think anyone is equal in this world.
Equality can be achieved but not fully complete around the world.Everyone is different and unique in a certain specific way.Differently abled might not be equal physically but mentally they are as equal as everyone else in the world.in conclusion equality depends on those who want to be equal as others but theres always someone that wants to have more power and be ambitious.

Anonymous said...

No. no one to me in considered equal in any shape or form. We all have diffrent ways of thinking, diffrent ways of sloving our own problems an things of that nature......

Anonymous said...

although there is a major difference in society and society may be is better than early history, we all aren't equal. It doesn't take a rocket scientist 2 realize that. it probably will alwayz be like that. i mean, its obvious. some people would like true equality but others just want 2 be the dominate power. our race, personalities, culture, background and attitude demonstrates that we are all differently abled.

Anonymous said...

no we are all not equal...i dont think equality can be achieved.....not everybody wants equality but i sure do..we are differently abled because of alot of things such as religion,culture and many others

Anonymous said...

Yes, we are equal in some ways. Yes, equality can be achieved someday. Some of us want true equality but others perfer things to stay the same. We are "differently abled" because there is always one thing that someone has has that another might not have. i.e someone might have real long hair and another might not so they use fake hair.
<(^.^<) ^(^.^)^ (>^.^)>

Anonymous said...

I believe we are all eqaul in the sense. we all are human and have flaws . I have goods traits and bad traits, just as the next person. The opprotunity for eqaulity has been given but as far as true equality I have not acheived it, my people have
not acheived it. And as for myself and all the other woman we have not acheived equality. we are all abled in our own ways and according to our own talent or studies.

Anonymous said...

No we are not equal. But, then again what is equality? Many people have taken this word into literary sense. As far as our right yes there's equality but when it comes to each individual person no we're not equal. I dont know if equality can ever be achieved in the world we live in. Being that there are so many different opportunities,religious beileifs, and political views. I think we all want equal rights but i dont think we want to be equal as each indivdual person. If we were equal then the world wouldnt be what it is today everyone would be the same. Eveyone is unique and "differently abled". I'm able to do thing that other peolple can't do, and other people can do what I'm not able to do. BUt, thats the way that it has to be because we complete each other and thats what i think help us see the many different views and prospectives of the world.

trey said...

no we are not all equal we should never be equal. that what makes who we are. and no one should change that. because who you are is what makes you.